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ISSN : 2287-5824(Print)
ISSN : 2287-5832(Online)
Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science Vol.39 No.3 pp.141-147

Effect of Waterlogging Duration on Growth Characteristics and Productivity of Forage Corn at Different Growth Stages Under Paddy Field Conditions

Jeong Sung Jung*, Gi-Jun Choi, Bo-Ram Choi
Grassland & Forage Division, National Institute of Animal Science, Rural Development Administration, Cheonan 31000, Republic of Korea
Corresponding author: Jeong Sung Jung, Grassland & Forage Division, national Institute of Animal Science, Rural Development Administration, Cheonan, 31000, Republic of Korea. Tel: +82-41-580-6748, Fax: +82-41-580-6779, E-mail:
August 17, 2019 September 6, 2019 September 6, 2019


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of waterlogging duration on the growth characteristics and productivity of forage corn at different growth stages under paddy field conditions. Treatments consisted of waterlogging at two growth stages (V7 or V14) for four waterlogging durations (no waterlogging, 48 hours, 72 hours, and 96 hours, respectively). The V14 growth stage was more vulnerable to waterlogging than the V7 stage. Among the waterlogging durations, the lodging score increased at 48 hours. The stem height of forage corn decreased with the increase in waterlogging duration at the different growth stages (V7 and V14). Increase in waterlogging duration reduced the stem dry matter yield, ear dry matter yield, and total dry matter yield at both growing stages (V7 and V14). The waterlogging treatments at the V14 stage affected ear dry matter yield more than those at the V7 growing stage. Thus, the management of forage corn under paddy field conditions must be strengthened during early (V7) and grain fill stages (V14). When waterlogging occurs, surface and subsurface drainage should be implemented within 48 hours to control (no waterlogging) the groundwater level and, thus, minimize economic losses due to forage corn damage.


    Rural Development Administration


    Forage corn is cultivated worldwide as an important summer crop. It is considered as a promising source of silage and green chop. Forage corn and sorghum-sudangrass hybrids are the main summer forage crops in South Korea (Seo et al., 2000). Demand for forage corn is steadily increasing because of the growing perceived importance for livestock farmers of producing high feed value forage crops rather than high productivity forage crops (Choi et al., 2019; Shin et al., 2017). However, forage corn is grown on more than 13,000 hectares of land and had a productivity of 238 thousand ton in 2018, which only constitutes about 5.6% of the total yield and area of forage crops grown in South Korea (MAFRA, 2019). The Korean government is trying to improve the food self-sufficiency rate and control the supply and demand of rice by increasing the forage cultivation area in paddy fields. The cultivation area for winter forage crops, including Italian ryegrass, is gradually increasing, but difficulties are being faced in increasing the cultivation area for summer forage crops, including forage corn, under paddy field conditions due to the intolerance of these crops to water stress (Ji et al., 2010; Shin et al., 2016).

    Under field conditions, waterlogging delays the growth of corn and reduces dry matter accumulation. Moreover, waterlogging influences grain filling, resulting in decreased grain weight and, eventually, in the reduction of the total dry matter yield of forage corn (Ren et al., 2019). Although there are regional differences, the rainy season in Korea usually occurs from June to August. During the rainy season, Korea receives 20~30% of the annual precipitation (KMA 2019). Heavy rains occur from late June to early August, which overlaps with the grain filling stage of maize, considerably affecting grain development due to waterlogging. Waterlogging lowers activities of enzymes related to photosynthesis and nitrogen metabolism (Yang et al., 2019). Therefore, waterlogging during grain filling not only affects the grain productivity, but also grain quality (Jiang et al., 2009).

    Waterlogging is one of the critical abiotic stresses affecting crop growth and productivity. In particular, corn is more vulnerable to waterlogging stress during the rainy season due to poor drainage or long periods of rainfall (Yu et al., 2019). Water stress significantly affects root growth in the early growing season and disturbs grain filling (Ren et al., 2019). Moreover, waterlogging enhances the activity of alcohol dehydrogenase and decreases the nitrogen, starch, and chlorophyll contents in leaf, inducing lipid peroxidation and membrane injury (Yang et al., 2019; Musgrave and Ding, 1998). Waterlogging and crop submergence lead to a decrease of gas exchange between the root tissue and the atmosphere, which creates anoxic conditions around the roots. Oxygen is very important for the energysupplying pathway of the cell, and the cellular oxygen content determines cellular metabolic activity and energy production (Dennis et al., 2000).

    Many studies have been performed to screen waterlogging tolerant maize lines by determining growth characteristics under waterlogging conditions simulated in greenhouses and the effect of waterlogging on early growth (Shin et al., 2017; Yang et al., 2019; Ren et al., 2019). However, there have been no studies to conclusively identify a correlation between the waterlogging period and productivity of forage corn under paddy field conditions. Therefore, this study was conducted to investigate this correlation.


    1. Experiment site

    The field study was conducted between June and September 2018 at a paddy field in Cheonan (latitude 36°49ʹ0ʹN, longitude 127°10ʹ0ʹE), which is located in the central reign of South Korea. The paddy soil was immature and slightly alkaline (pH 6.97) and contained to low total nitrogen, organic matter, and available phosphate (Table 1). The seasonal rainfall was 641.2 mm in 2018, which is lower than the 30-years average precipitation (Fig. 1). The average air temperature from June to September was slightly higher than the 30-years mean air temperature (Fig. 1). During the experimental period (June-September 2018), the total amount of precipitation was much lower than the 30-year average (Fig. 1).

    The soil moisture content was monitored using WatchDog 1000 series Micro Stations and SM100 WaterScout soil moisture sensors (Spectrum Technologies, Inc.). One soil moisture sensor was used per treatment. The probes were installed at a 30 cm elevation from the surface soil.

    2. Plant materials and experimental design

    The experiment was performed using a split-plot design including two factors: waterlogging duration and growth stage. The growth period was divided into the V7 (7-leaves) and V14 (14-leaves) stages. Each stage was subjected to waterlogging for four durations: control (no waterlogging), 48, 72, and 96 hours. Waterlogging treatment began on August 1 for the V7 growth stage and August 20 for the V14 growth stage. Each plot was 2.25 × 15 m and plots were separated by barriers (of approximately 30 cm height). The plots were separated by a distance of 3 m to prevent interference among them. The timing of each treatment is shown in Table 2.

    The forage corn(Zea mays L.) cultivar used was the “Kwangpyeongok” cultivar and it was sown on 1 June 2018. Forage corn seeds were sown at a rate of 89,000 seeds ha-1 (75 cm row spacing × 16 cm planting distance). Plants were harvested on 13 September, when the forage corn was at the yellow ripe stage. The application rates of the basic fertilizers were as follows: 200 kg ha-1 for nitrogen, 150 kg ha-1 for phosphorus, and 150 kg ha-1 for potassium. Nitrogen fertilizer was applied at 50% as a basal fertilizer and again at 30% at the growing stage (7~8 leaves).

    For agronomic trait measurements, ten plants were randomly collected from each plot before harvest. Stem height, ear height, and stem diameter were measured according to the investigation and analysis of research and technology in agriculture specifications (RDA, 2012). Seven different treatment combinations were performed and three sites (1.5 × 2 m) were randomly selected and sampled to evaluate the yield and feed value per treatment by hand cutting of crops. Sub-samples were collected randomly from the harvested crops to calculate dry matter yield by oven-drying at 70°C for 72 hours.

    3. Statistical analysis

    Statistical analyses were conducted using SAS (release 9.4; SAS Institute, Cary, NC, USA). Data were analyzed using the PROC GLM (general linear model) procedure and means were separated on the basis of Duncan’s multiple range test (SAS Institute, 2007). Significances were declared at P ≤ 0.05 level.


    1. Soil moisture content changes

    During the V7 waterlogging period, the soil water content of no waterlogging was constant because there was no precipitation from 1 August to 14 August. The treatment of 48 hours (V7) waterlogging duration was flooded from 1 to 3 August, and the soil moisture content decreased rapidly after 7 August. The treatment of 72 hours (V7) waterlogging duration was flooded from 1 to 7 August, and the soil moisture content decreased rapidly after 9 August. The treatment of 96 hours (V7) waterlogging duration was flooded from 1 to 5 August, and the soil moisture content decreased rapidly after 10 August. As a result, the soil moisture content rose immediately after flooding and it took 4 to 5 days for changes to occur in the soil moisture content under the paddy field conditions. This result supported those of a previous study (Mo`allim et al., 2018), which showed that the soil moisture began to decrease after 4-5 days of cultivation under paddy field conditions.

    During the V14 waterlogging period, the soil moisture content of no waterlogging was constant, but it increased due to rainfall after August 24. The treatment of 48 hours (V14) waterlogging duration was flooded from 20 to 22 August, and the soil water content decreased after 25 August. The treatment of 72 hours (V14) waterlogging duration was flooded from 20 to 23 August, and the soil water content decreased after 26 August. The treatment of 96 hours (V14) waterlogging duration was flooded from 20 to 24 August, and the soil water content decreased slightly after 27 August due to rain fall. Unlike V7, the soil moisture content in V14 did not significantly reduce due to rainfall. Fig. 2

    2. Agronomic characteristics of plants

    Table 3 shows the agronomical traits at harvest. The lodging scores at 72 and 96 hours of waterlogging at the V7 growing stage were significantly higher than those at the control (no waterlogging) and 48 hours (P ≤ 0.05). During the V14 growing stage, the lodging scores at 72 and 96 hours were significantly greater than those at the control (no waterlogging) and 48 hours (P ≤ 0.05). The V14 growing stage was more vulnerable to waterlogging than V7 growing stage. During waterlogging, the lodging score increased by for 48 hours. Stem diameter is a good indicator of productivity-related growth in forage corn (Choi et al., 2019). The average stem diameter of forage corn significantly decreased at both growing stages. However, this indicator was not significantly affected by the growing stage. The average stem diameters were lowered by increasing the waterlogging duration. The ear height of forage corn significantly decreased at the V7 growing stage. However, no significant difference was seen among waterlogging treatments by increasing the waterlogging duration. Ear height did not change significantly by altering waterlogging duration and stage. The waterlogging treatments at the V14 growing stage reduced the stem height more significantly than those at the V7 growing stage (P ≤ 0.05). Stem height decreased with an increase in the waterlogging duration at both growing stages (P ≤ 0.05). With an increase in the waterlogging duration at both V7 and V14 growing stages, stem height gradually decreased. As a result, stem height decreased with an increase of waterlogging duration at the different growth stages. These results are in accordance with the findings of Shin et al. (2017) who reported that stem height decreased with increasing waterlogging duration. However, Son et al. (2010) reported that there was no significant difference in stem height between paddy fields and upland fields. Ear ratio plays a very important role in the productivity and feed value of forage corn (Choi et al., 2019; Son et al., 2010). The ear ratio differed significantly with the waterlogging duration and time (P ≤ 0.05). The waterlogging treatments affected the V14 growing stage more than V7 growing stage in terms of ear ratio. The ear ratio decreased after 72 hours of waterlogging (P ≤ 0.05).

    3. Productivity of forage corn

    Water stress has a great effect on the productivity of forage corn and there have been many studies related to this (Shin et al., 2017; Liu et al., 2010; Ren et al., 2019). In this study, the productivity of plants was significantly affected by the waterlogging duration and time. As shown in Table 4, an increase in waterlogging duration reduced the stem dry matter yield, ear dry matter yield, and total dry matter yield at both growing stages (V7 and V14). The waterlogging treatments had a greater effect on the V14 growing stage than the V7 growing stage in terms of ear dry matter yield. This result supported findings of a previous study (Son et al., 2010) showing that the ear ratio of forage corn cultivated in paddy fields was lower than that of corn grown in upland fields. The ear weight was one of the most important factors affecting productivity. During grain filling, the soil moisture status is one of the important factors affecting grain yield and feed quality (Ahmadi and Baker, 2001;Jiang et al., 2019). Ren et al. (2019) reported that waterlogging affected endosperm weight and grain volume of corn, indicating that waterlogging damages the endosperm cell growth of summer maize grains. Other studies showed that the endogenous ABA (abscisic acid) level in grains increases dramatically during the grain-filling stage, but the extremely high ABA levels under waterlogging may have inhibitory effects on grain-filling (Ahmadi and Baker, 2001;Ren et al., 2019). In this study, dry matter yield was more affected by waterlogging treatments than stem dry matter yield. At the V7 and V14 growing stages, 96 hours of waterlogging lead to 54% and 56% decreases in total dry matter productivity, respectively, compared to the control (no waterlogging treatment) (P ≤ 0.05). The total dry matter yields for the waterlogging treatments at the V14 growing stage were 47% and 25 % lower than those at the control and V7 grow[ing stages, respectively (P ≤ 0.05). The total dry matter yields after 96 hours of waterlogging were 55%, 44%, and 11% lower than those for the control, 72 hours waterlogging, and 48 hours waterlogging, respectively (P ≤ 0.05). Shin et al. (2017) reported that waterlogging treatments at V3 significantly reduced the ear length and thickness, grain filling length, and productivity of maize. Waterlogging could damage the growth of forage corn at early growing stages and at the grain fill stage (Shin et al., 2017;Yang et al., 2019;Ren et al., 2019).


    This study was conducted to determine the effect of the waterlogging period on the growth characteristics and productivity of forage corn at different growth stages under paddy field conditions. Lodging scores after 72 and 96 hours of waterlogging at the V7 growing stage were significantly higher than those for the control and 48 hours of waterlogging (P ≤ 0.05). The V14 growing stage was more vulnerable to waterlogging than the other growing stages. The lodging score increased over 48 hours of waterlogging. There were no significant differences in ear height in terms of waterlogging duration and stage. The stem height of forage corn decreased with an increase in waterlogging duration at the different growing stages (V7, V14). The total dry matter yield of forage corn was significantly affected by the waterlogging duration and time. As a result, increase in waterlogging duration reduced the stem dry matter yield, ear dry matter yield, and total dry matter yield at both growing stages (V7 and V14). The waterlogging treatments affected the V14 growing stage more than the V7 growing stage in terms of ear dry matter yield. Therefore, the management of forage corn in paddy fields must be strengthened during the early (V7) and grain fill (V14) stages. When waterlogging occurs, surface and subsurface drainage should be implemented within 48 hours to control the groundwater level and minimize the economic losses due to damage of forage corn.


    This work was carried out with the support of "Cooperative Research Program for Agriculture Science & Technology Development (Project title: A survey on suitable agro-climatic zones and productivity change of forage under climate change, and assessing impact and vulnerability of forage to climate change, Project No. PJ01284601)" Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea.


    Mean values and the 30-years average of the air temperature and precipitation during the growing season in Cheonan, Korea, 2018.
    Changing soil moisture contents during waterlogging at the V-7 (A) and V14 (B) growing stages, 2018.


    Chemical properties of the soil before the experiment
    Timing of Waterlogging treatments at the different growth stages
    Effect of waterlogging duration on the growth characteristics of forage corn at different growing stages, 2018
    Effect of waterlogging duration on the productivity of forage corn at different growing stages, 2018


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